How many companies export in Brazil?

RAIS data indicate that Brazil had 2,828,823 active companies in 2020 in all sectors of the economy, for this same year, SECEX records accounted for a total of 24,931 companies exporting goods, or about 0.88% of all active companies.
These data indicate that the participation of Brazilian companies in foreign trade is far below potential. OECD data show that in countries of the European Union and in the USA the number of companies that carry out activities related to foreign trade is much higher than in Brazil.
Exporting firms, on average, pay higher wages, hire more, and use a higher proportion of workers with higher education than non-exporting firms. The average salary for companies with an export profile is 36% to 124% higher than the market average, according to CAGED data.
Regarding the regional distribution of companies that export in Brazil, the states of SP and RS concentrate 54% of Brazilian exporting companies, about 90% of these companies are allocated in the south and southeast regions, the preferred location of these companies for export is Latin America, which has as its main destination the products of the Brazilian agro industry.
Fonte :Secretaria de comércio exterior